Jade Boyd Co.

A quarterly membership for women in business who want to stop managing their life and start living their life.
*The next enrollment period will take place in fall 2024! Click here to join the waitlist!

Simplify your Life Membership

introducing the

i connect with overwhelmed women every day... want to know the #1 thing they tell me?

"Managing my health, family, and home on top of building a business seems impossible..."

Between kid requests, honey dos, and the million and one loads of laundry piling up, getting through each day feels like an uphill battle.

And because you're so overwhelmed with everything life is demanding of you, you're not showing up for yourself, your family, or your business in the ways you really want to.

I want to empower a new generation of women:

who prioritize their health

Who are committed to putting on their oxygen mask first so they can show up as the best version of themselves in everything they do

who love intentionally

Who prioritize the people who matter most to them and show up as the wife, mom, and friend they really want to be

who live simply

Who set realistic expectations for their home and put simple systems in place that allow them to spend more time living their life than managing their life

How it works:


Get clear on the type of life you want to live. Make bold declarations, get a little uncomfortable, and challenge yourself to dream bigger.


I'll help you systemize one area of your life each month. This isn't a glorified to-do list. It's a whole-life operating system.


I'll help you become a master planner with simple planning routines, so you can adapt your rhythms to any season of life.

everything you need to simplify your life

What's included?

Monthly trainings with a step-by-step guide for simplifying one area of your life



a quarterly bonus training or resource (guest expert, planner, book club, etc.)

join now

As a Productivity Coach, I help overwhelmed women owners bring order to chaos in their lives and businesses. I'm here to help you unlock your highest level of productivity and create a business and life you love.

Mom, Wife, and Productivity Coach

The Simplify your Life Membership includes everything you need to slow down and live intentionally.

Month by month, I'll teach you how to simplify and systemize a specific area of your life. As a minimalist, my approach to living intentionally involves slowing down, prioritizing people over productivity, living life at a human pace, and eliminating the things that distract you from what matters most.

Ending each day *not* feeling like a failure

Spending less time managing busy work and more time being present with the people you love

Getting the community and encouragement you need to do things differently, say no, and live life on purpose

Finally feeling like you have your sh** together

More sunshine, picnics, baking, resting, reading, local exploration, or whatever fills your creative cup

If you want this to be the year that you *finally* commit to:

join now

Maybe life feels a little gray. You’re not off but you’re not on. You're just surviving. You want more joy, more color, more presence in your days.

The Simplify your Life Membership is your answer, your lifeline, and your roadmap for living a life that shines in full color.

I believe in simplicity. That it can free us from overwhelm and help us rediscover what truly matters. I'm going to teach you how to build a whole life operating system that allows you to do life differently, one month at a time. Are you ready?

There are so many women who are discontented, disquieted and frazzled. They can’t sit still. They feel like something's missing. And they're not enjoying life. 

you're in the right place.

The Simplify your Life Membership will open in fall 2024.

Click below to join the waitlist and get exclusive access to all the special launch week bonuses I have planned for you!


How to Join