Jade Boyd Co.

Personal Branding

5 Must Have Props to Bring to Your Personal Branding Shoot

I'm Jade!

MBA | Business Strategist | Productivity Coach | I help busy service providers bring order to chaos with minimalist strategies and systems.

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Everyone gets a little bit nervous when they’re in front of the camera – even photographers named Jade!

The point of a Personal Branding Photoshoot is to show off your authentic personality and engage your ideal audience. Using props during your photoshoot not only makes you feel more comfortable, but it allows you to tell your story in a unique and engaging way.

In this post, I’m listing 5 types of props everyone needs to bring to their personal branding photoshoot and explaining how the resulting photos can increase online engagement.

#1 Tools of the Trade

Tools of the trade includes any tools you use on a daily basis in order to do your job. For a photographer, this is their camera. For a consultant, it may be their laptop, cell phone, or planner. For a florist, it may be twine, flowers, scissors, and envelopes.

You get the picture!

So how does this help you to engage your audience? People love to see how the sausage gets made. You can use these photos to talk about your behind the scenes activities, how-to tips, or simple introductions of your products or services.

#2 Grab the Accessories

Accessories can not only add variety to your photos, but keep your hands occupied and your nerves settled. This could include statement jewelry, hats, scarves, sunglasses, headbands, & more.

When you’re choosing which accessories to bring, the idea is to show off your personal style in a way that compliments your personal brand.

Statement accessories can make your modern headshots pop and add a whole bunch of personality to your images.

#3 Food + Beverages

Nothing makes you look more approachable than food and beverages. I mean even if you look grumpy, but you have a box of donuts, you will still get some attention, am I right?

Not only that, but being in front of the camera for even 30 minutes can be tiring. It’s nice to have a mid-shoot snack or end of shoot treat on hand! Bring your favorite coffee cup, green smoothie, indulgent sweet, or fruit flavored water. Even better, bring a bottle of wine (and an extra glass).

These photos can come in handy for online introductions and social media holidays.

#4 Marketing Materials

Photos of marketing materials in your marketing materials? It’s marketing material inception! Now that I’ve said marketing materials 4 times, you will definitely remember to bring your swag.

It’s always a good idea to incorporate your branded materials, such as business cards, flyers, and promo items, into your photos. It’s also a great idea to bring some of your physical products (if you have them) to your photoshoot to show your customers that you use them too.

These are great photos to use for your sales campaigns, distribution channels, and website.

#5 The “X Factor” Prop

As an Enneagram Type 4, I’m all about being original!

An x factor prop is something that creates a completely out of the ordinary image. These are by far my favorite types of props to use for personal branding photos. This could be anything from a handful of glitter, a skateboard or bicycle, face paint, a vintage car, or a string of fairy lights.

The most important thing is that your x factor props are true to your personal brand and highlight your unique personality. We all have a fun side to show – even introverted perfectionists like me. 😉

Bonus Tips

Remember, when it comes to choosing your props, only pick items that help you communicate your core message to your target audience. If you’re the fun girl, bring on the fun and quirky props. If you’re the responsible consultant, bring some textured accessories and healthy snacks.

It’s always better to overpack than to come unprepared, so bring a variety and let your photographer help you decide what works best.

Got Your Props? Make it happen!

If this blog post makes personal brand photoshoots seem like a ton of fun, it’s because they are!

I love helping women to clarify and communicate their personal brand in a way that serves their audience well. If you’re interested in booking a personal branding photoshoot, I would love to connect to learn your story.

If the concept of personal branding photography is new to you, poke around my website to learn more and message me at jade@sagestone.studio with any questions.

Happy packing!


  1. […] details can make a huge difference in the quality of your brand photos! One of my favorite ways to style on-brand photoshoots is to incorporate props that just scream “you”. Props that you look at and think, “Did someone custom […]

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From MBA to Brand Photographer to Business Coach, I learned the hard way how to build a life-first business that allows me to work part-time hours without sacrificing profit. Now I help service providers simplify and scale their businesses so they can earn their dream income while living life on their schedule. If you're ready to build a sustainable, profitable service business (without the burnout), apply for the Business Edit™ Group Coaching Program today!

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Hi, I'm Jade!

Jade Boyd Co.