Jade Boyd Co.

Business Edit Podcast

Your Business Minimalist Blueprint: Build a Productive Business in 5 Simple Steps

I'm Jade!

MBA | Business Strategist | Productivity Coach | I help busy service providers bring order to chaos with minimalist strategies and systems.

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There are so many different types of skill sets, strategies, or systems that you could try to increase your productivity as a business owner. And that’s a good thing, right?! But if you’re already in a place of having too much to do (and not enough time to do it), it can also feel really overwhelming. Enter the Business Minimalist Blueprint. I can’t tell you how long it took me to create this productivity framework. Making something as complex as increasing your productivity feel simple wasn’t easy! But that’s exactly what the Business Minimalist Blueprint is: a simple, 5-step framework to help you unlock your highest levels of productivity as an entrepreneur.

I could truly talk your ears off about this framework. I use this productivity framework with each and every one of my coaching clients, narrowing down hundreds of strategies and resources to the handful that make sense for them and their business. So I was very tempted to get into the weeds with you guys, but instead, I want to give you a brief, high-level overview of how to build a productive business in 5 simple steps. Let’s dive in!

Your Business Minimalist Blueprint | The Business Minimalist Podcast with Jade Boyd

The Business Minimalist Blueprint

Press play above to master these 5 steps to building a productive business!

  • Clarify: Decide what you want
  • Edit: Cut through the clutter with a Business Minimalist Strategy
  • Organize: Systemize and organize your business
  • Execute: Take action on your plan
  • Maintain: Play the long game – ensure you can maintain your productivity levels over time

Want to Work Through This Together? Apply for The Business Edit™ Coaching Program!

In my 1:1 coaching program, I go through every step of this process to audit your business and create a step-by-step plan to improve your business productivity. If you need a little accountability and structure to take your business to the next level, submit a coaching application today. I meet with each and every applicant to make sure they’re ready for this program and we’re a good fit to work together based on what their goals are. I love hopping on discovery calls and meeting business owners whether they end up joining the coaching program or not. So if you’re on the fence, submit an application anyway! I’m happy to meet and answer any questions you have.


Hi, I'm jade!

Ready to simplify and scale your services?

From MBA to Brand Photographer to Business Coach, I learned the hard way how to build a life-first business that allows me to work part-time hours without sacrificing profit. Now I help service providers simplify and scale their businesses so they can earn their dream income while living life on their schedule. If you're ready to build a sustainable, profitable service business (without the burnout), apply for the Business Edit™ Group Coaching Program today!

the business edit

Streamline your workflows, ditch the busy work, and step into your CEO role with the Organize your Business Template.

The Organize Your Business Template

feeling overwhelmed in your creative biz? check this out!

Business + Productivity Coach | I help busy creatives bring order to chaos with an intentional strategy and simple systems.

Hi, I'm Jade!

Jade Boyd Co.