Jade Boyd Co.


A Simple SEO Checklist for ShowIt Bloggers with Sarah Blodgett

Sarah Blodgett, Owner of Digital Grace Design, ShowIt Website Designer for Creatives
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MBA | Business Strategist | Productivity Coach | I help busy service providers bring order to chaos with minimalist strategies and systems.

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As a creative business owner, I LOVE the ShowIt website platform. When I first started my business, I hopped around to several different platforms, but to this day, I think ShowIt is the most beautiful, versatile, and easy to use platform.

When it comes to blogging, I love that ShowIt integrates with WordPress on the backend so you have so many ways to improve your search engine optimization (SEO) – say hello to more traffic, leads, and clients! The downside of having all of this powerful functionally is that you have to learn how to use it. And THAT can get really overwhelming!

Although I’ve learned so much about SEO over the years, I still had some burning questions that were left unanswered by the dozens of conflicting opinions on the internet. That’s why I was so excited to invite ShowIt website designer and SEO expert, Sarah Blodgett, to the podcast today.

Sarah founded Digital Grace Design in 2017 to help wedding professionals and creatives (like you!) escape website shame and find confidence in a beautiful and strategic website that helps them book more clients and grow their business. She is honored to have been named ShowIt’s 2019 Designer of the Year, and was a StoryBrand Certified Guide for 3 years. Sarah is based in New York City, and serves creatives worldwide. Tune into this episode with Sarah to learn how to easily optimize your next ShowIt blog post!

A Simple SEO Checklist for ShowIt Bloggers with Sarah Blodgett from Digital Grace Design

Key Topics Discussed in this Episode

  • Which ShowIt settings to double check before you click publish on your first blog post
  • The best WordPress blogging plugins to optimize your SEO
  • Specific advice for photographers who are primarily blogging their client sessions
  • What to do before clicking publish on your next blog post

A summary of what to do before publishing your next ShowIt Blog Post:

  1. Tag your text as the appropriate H1, H2, paragraph text, etc.
  2. Select 2 or 3 blog categories. Don’t go overboard!
  3. Add a featured image.
  4. Skip tags altogether (tune in to learn why)
  5. Add in your page title and metadescription using the Yoast plugin at the bottom of the page.
  6. Double check the Yoast recommendations to see if you need to make any last changes before hitting publish! Tune in to the episode to learn when to ignore these recommendations.

Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode

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From MBA to Brand Photographer to Business Coach, I learned the hard way how to build a life-first business that allows me to work part-time hours without sacrificing profit. Now I help service providers simplify and scale their businesses so they can earn their dream income while living life on their schedule. If you're ready to build a sustainable, profitable service business (without the burnout), apply for the Business Edit™ Group Coaching Program today!

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Business + Productivity Coach | I help busy creatives bring order to chaos with an intentional strategy and simple systems.

Hi, I'm Jade!

Jade Boyd Co.