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Is Scaling with an Agency Model Right for You? ft. Abby Martinez from the Well Balanced Business

Is Scaling with an Agency Model Right for You? ft. Abby Martinez from the Well Balanced Business | The Business Edit™ Podcast with Jade Boyd
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Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your growing to-do list as a business owner? Like no matter how much progress you make, there’s always something else waiting to be done? If you’re nodding your head, then you’ll definitely want to tune into this episode to hear Abby’s story. She went from feeling like her income was capped as a solopreneur to building a thriving virtual assistant agency that helps small business owners scale by delegating effectively.

In this episode, we dive into how Abby scaled her business by embracing the power of delegation, building a virtual assistant agency, and helping other entrepreneurs find the support they need to grow. If you’ve been feeling stuck or overwhelmed with your workload, wondering whether you should build a team, this episode is for you. Abby’s approach to scaling your business through an agency model offers actionable tips for getting clear on what tasks you need to delegate, hiring a team, and setting up systems to streamline your operations. Whether you’re ready to hire your first contractor or thinking about how to take your business to the next level, this conversation is packed with wisdom and practical tips.

Is Scaling with an Agency Model Right for You? ft. Abby Martinez from the Well Balanced Business | The Business Edit™ Podcast with Jade Boyd

What is an Agency Model, and Should You Consider It?

Abby started her business as a solo virtual assistant (VA). Like many of us, she quickly realized that there’s only so much one person can do. With referrals flooding in, she decided to scale her business by building a team—a decision that allowed her to serve more clients without sacrificing quality. But building a team isn’t for everyone. If you’re thinking about transitioning to an agency model, Abby suggests starting with clarity: be crystal clear on what services you need help with and the role you want to play as your business grows.

How to Find (and Train) the Right Virtual Assistant for Your Business

One of Abby’s most valuable lessons is the importance of hiring the right people. Whether you’re hiring your first VA or building an agency, finding someone who understands your needs and can operate independently is essential. Abby recommends:

  • Clarity: Be clear on your expectations before you hire. Are you looking for help with admin tasks, project management, or something else?
  • Referrals: Ask trusted business friends or use reliable networks to find candidates.
  • Personality Fit: Sometimes, the right VA isn’t just about skills—it’s about personality and how they work with you.

Is the Agency Model Right for You?

While an agency model can help you scale, it’s not for everyone. Abby emphasized that the agency model is perfect if you’re passionate about leadership and want to build a bigger impact by supporting more clients. But if your goal is solely to increase income, an agency might not be the best path. Agency work involves leadership and creating systems that allow your team to thrive. And let’s be honest—leading a team isn’t always easy!

Abby shared her journey through the challenges of training her VAs to maintain the high standards her clients had come to expect. She discussed how investing in leadership development and team training helped her build a strong, trustworthy team.

Is Scaling with an Agency Model Right for You? ft. Abby Martinez from the Well Balanced Business | The Business Edit™ Podcast with Jade Boyd

3 Tips for Scaling Your Business with an Agency Model

Here are Abby’s top tips for scaling through an agency:

  • Hire for the Right Role: Know exactly what kind of help you need before you start hiring.
  • Invest in Leadership: Scaling through an agency means you’re transitioning into a leadership role. Make sure you’re ready to guide, train, and support your team.
  • Set Clear Expectations: Ensure that every team member understands their responsibilities to maintain high-quality work and client satisfaction.

Topics Discussed in this Episode

  • Abby’s journey from a solo virtual assistant to the founder of Well Balanced Business
  • The importance of clarity when hiring virtual assistants
  • How to maintain high-quality service while scaling your business
  • Leadership development as a key factor in successful agency growth
  • Deciding whether the agency model is right for your business
  • Managing team dynamics and ensuring client satisfaction

Is Scaling with an Agency Model Right for You?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed in your business and wondering if it’s time to scale, I encourage you to listen to this episode. Abby’s journey proves that with the right systems and mindset, scaling your business through an agency can help you reclaim your time while maintaining (or even improving) the quality of your services.

To hear all of Abby’s insights and strategies, tune into the full episode of The Business Edit podcast. And if you haven’t yet, hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. Together, let’s build a business that supports the life we truly want!

Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode


Click here to read the full episode transcript!

Jade Boyd: Knowing not only that you’re going to like the results that you’re going to get, but you’re going to like the lifestyle that you’re going to have, if your business looks different and is able to get those different results, it’s also going to require you to step into a different role, no matter what strategy you’re thinking about and I don’t think we think about that enough as business owners, not just like, how am I going to get to my goal as fast as possible? But what do I want my life to look like as I’m getting to that goal?

Welcome to the show, Abby,

Abby Martinez: Hi, thank you so much for having me, Jade. I’m really excited to be here.

Jade Boyd: I am so excited to have you here. So Abby actually came into The Business Edit earlier this year and gave a presentation on how to scale your business through an agency model, which is something that a couple of my clients might consider in the future as they’re building their teams. And it was a great presentation, it was so good, and I just loved hearing Abby’s story and immediately knew that she’s somebody that I wanted to have on the podcast, because I do think that there’s so many lessons to learn from your business story and how you scaled the business that you have today and also we’ve never had an agency owner on the podcast to talk about building an agency.

So super excited to dig into that too. But just to start out, do you want to share a little bit more about who you are? And yeah, just starting out with a story with how you got to where you are today.

Abby Martinez: Yeah, absolutely. Thank you, for the kind words and thank you for having me back. It was so fun to come and teach with your group and I’m excited to be here. So, obviously as Jade said, my name is Abby. And I am the founder of Well Balanced Business, which is an agency of online business managers and virtual assistants.

And so while I’m a proud owner of this company, I am first and foremost, a mom of two kids and a wife of a very supportive husband, which is so necessary when you run a business. but yeah, our company, we’re really passionate about serving small business owners, to be able to have trustworthy support.

I’ve learned along the way that that is It’s sometimes hard to find. And so that’s kind of part of our mission is giving trustworthy support to business owners and allowing them to gain back freedom of time. As you know, and I’m sure all of your listeners know that, you know, there’s, you take one thing off your list and you add another.

So there’s always so much to be done and that’s kind of how we got to where we are today. And the other part of the mission behind the company, I feel like there’s a lot, but I’m really passionate about hiring women and moms in our agency. Cause I think that moms are definitely an underutilized resource, I think, in the work field.

So I’m very passionate about that. As for like how we got into an agency, I started this company back in 2020. So I was previously a teacher. And I’ve always loved entrepreneurship, but you know, I grew up in a household that was like, go to college, get your degree, do something stable. So of course I went into teaching and, yeah, around 2020, obviously we had, you know, the pandemic and I was like, okay, I think I need to make a change, and so I started serving business owners just kind of in the backend doing what like a general virtual assistant would be doing. And, I served a handful of clients really well. and so the referrals, you know, they just kept coming, which I was so grateful for because I had a lot of fear around just leaving the workforce and starting my own business.

And because of all of the referrals and people who were looking for this type of support, that was really the push towards getting into the agency model. So like I said, I started in 2020 by myself, and about maybe a year in is when I started creating a program to coach other people to become virtual assistants.

And as the referrals kept coming, a few of my friends were like, what did you start at an agency? And I was very hesitant at first because I wasn’t sure how that was going to go. Like, how would I. you know, how would I start this company? How would I hire people? How would I trust other people to handle the clients?

You know, I have a certain way that I like to do the work that I do, but thankfully kind of softening some of those fears was the fact that I was actually training other people how to do this work through a coaching program. And you know, a handful of them were actually interested in working with me when I started to put feelers out about starting an agency.

And so those were kind of like the beginning steps of it. I’m like, okay, I can’t keep taking on clients. So I’m either at capacity or we could expand this mission and create an agency where we are able to have this high level trustworthy support, getting the right people in the right seats and just, you know, being able to be that support for business owners. So that’s kind of how it all came about.

Jade Boyd: And of course I had this beautiful list of questions, but as you were speaking, I just came up with so many new things to ask you. So we’re going to go off script a little bit, but the first thing I wanted to point out is building your business through referrals. This is something that Caleb and I talk about all the time.

Cause as you know, we renovated our house for five years and we only really ended up doing that because we had such a bad experience with so many different types of contractors. We were like, man, the bar is so low in so many industries where you really only have to show up and do what you’re telling people you’re going to do.

And that sets you ahead of like 90 percent of the other contractors out there. And like you said, for virtual assistants specifically, it can be really hard to find the help that you actually need. And I think a lot of business owners are frustrated with that. So can you talk a little bit more about what differentiates a good virtual assistant, either agency or a good solopreneur virtual assistant from somebody who’s going to let you down.

Are there like red flags or things that business owners should be looking out for when they are hiring, especially their first virtual assistant?

Abby Martinez: Yeah. That is such a good question. And I think it comes down to a lot of different things actually, because first off they could be a great virtual assistant, but maybe just not your great virtual assistant. Right? So I think part of that comes down to like, being very clear first, what you need as a business owner, like, what is it that you need?

Don’t just go hire the first person you speak to just expect that they’re going to like nail it if you haven’t really gotten clear on what your needs are, because you’re going to have expectations of what they’re going to do for you. And a lot of times those are unspoken and the person cannot rise to the occasion if they don’t know exactly what it is that you need.

So that’s one thing it’s like, first off as the business owner, it’s like, you need to be clear on what it is that you’re looking for and the type of support that you are actually needing help in. And then as for like looking for the virtual assistant, obviously like go with trusted referrals. I think that’s the best, like if you have a business friend who has used a virtual assistant, you know, ask around, you can also use Facebook groups to find virtual assistants. I would obviously choose the Facebook groups that are high quality. Like there’s a few that I’m in that I trust, that I would go to, to look for them, or obviously come to us. Like we, you know, we have a great agency full of VAs that are ready to support you.

So, yeah, I think, you know, it’s not, it’s not one thing. It’s not one red flag. It’s not, one specific way to find the right VA. I think it’s really about getting clear on what your needs are and then, you know, using the referrals, looking at the person’s work, like look at their website. Do they have a website or do they have a social media presence? Do you vibe with what they’re putting out in the world? Like, and then I’m a big, like feelings based person too. So like when I meet with somebody. I feel like it’s maybe like intuition. It’s, you know, feel into that. Like, does that person feel like a good fit for you?

You know, asking them the right questions, you know, do you have certain expectations of when you, you know, need them to be working and depending on if it’s a subcontractor or VA, then typically it’s, more of like about the deadline of when it needs to be done, not necessarily the hours that they’re working.

But if you know that they have their kids home full time and you need them to be doing something specific at a certain time, that may not be the best VA for you. Or if you go into it and you’re like, I need this done by Friday, it doesn’t matter when you do it, then that’s a great VA for you. Right?

So it just kind of depends on, yeah, the needs that you have.

Jade Boyd: I love that. And I like to say that productivity starts with clarity. And so I love that you pointed out, like you really do have to be clear about what you want somebody to do for you in the same way that hiring a graphic designer is not going to solve your branding problem. If you have no idea what you want your brand to stand for, like same thing goes with a virtual assistant, if you’re just overwhelmed and are like, come help me.

Abby Martinez: Mm hmm.

Jade Boyd: they’re not going to know what to do that’s actually going to be helpful. So you do have to get clear on that first. So I’m glad that you pointed that out. Another thing that I wanted to dive deeper into is your path in coaching other virtual assistants to become virtual assistants. I think that’s a really unique path that a lot of business owners don’t even consider because there might be a fear of training somebody else to take your clients, right? You’re training people who are doing the same thing that you’re doing and giving away like your secrets of the trade.

But ultimately that became your like superpower and building an agency. Cause you were able to pick and choose the best of the best virtual assistants. So can you speak a little bit. More into like, what was going through your mind in the beginning when you’re thinking about, should I train other people to do this?

Is that something that you considered or thought about? Did you have a master plan to bring them into your business? Just, I would love to know a little bit more about why you went that direction because it’s, it’s a very unique direction that I don’t see a lot of business owners taking.

Abby Martinez: Yeah. Yeah. Thank you for asking that. And there was no master plan. I think everything just kind of unfolded the way that it was supposed to, but I will start with saying this. I definitely have an abundance mindset. I think there’s a seat at the table for everyone. There are tons of business owners, you know, not like I said, not everybody’s going to be the right fit for that person.

So I think that anybody who wants to do it, like pull up a chair, there’s a seat for you. So I definitely went into it with that mindset of like, anyone can do this if they want to. And, you know, I’m passionate about moms being able to work in a flexible way, in a way that is, like lights them up, but they can also then like hang out with their kids most of the time.

Right? And then work in the margins of motherhood. And I think that that’s important. The other thing is, is I, like I said, I’m a retired teacher and I love teaching. So it was just so natural for me to be like, you know, people were asking me questions. And so it just unfolded in a way where I was like, I wanted to teach other people how to do this, create another revenue stream through building the coaching program and then obviously it unfolded into being able to hire people, and create the agency.

Jade Boyd: That absolutely makes sense. And I love your focus on abundance mindset because it’s just a good reminder that there is enough to go around. And the heart of entrepreneurship really is solving problems for people. I think we can easily get caught up on what like quote unquote makes sense on paper and training other people to do your job might not make sense on paper, but ultimately you saw a need, people were asking you questions and you could solve that need. So you went for it. And I feel like in business following the like breadcrumb trail, so to speak of those problems or the questions that people are asking you oftentimes can lead to really great opportunities and they don’t always make sense, you know, upfront, but following your intuition and, you know, what you can do to actually serve other people, that really does come down to the heart of it.

I also want to go to the point where you were like, okay, I’m at capacity, I can’t take on any more clients, this is where I’m at, if I want to serve more people I’m going to have to do something different. So kind of a two part question. One, when did you realize that you wanted or needed to pivot to an agency model specifically instead of building your team in a different way?

And two, kind of going to the clarity part of it. How did you know that you wanted more? Because I think a lot of business owners get to that place and just assume I need to keep growing, right? There’s no limit to what you can do, but how did you know that it was the right decision for you to keep growing when you could have maintained where you were at.

Abby Martinez: Yeah, definitely. Good questions. one, I think this may be the second question that I’m answering first, but I feel inside of me a call to leadership. And I don’t know if that relates to you as an entrepreneur. Like, it’s just, it’s a call. And so like part of me answering that call is leading other people in this way and providing, jobs for women specifically, right?

And I didn’t know that at the time when I started by myself in 2020, but that’s just kind of what unfolded and ever since we launched, it’s been like steady business. And so I’m just trusting that, like, I’m just following that, and so I think that’s part of it. It’s like, yes, I could have kept going just by myself, but it’s more fun to do it together, honestly. So that’s, you know, that’s a big thing for me. and then the other question, I don’t remember exactly how you phrased it, but I can tell you, I remember, I was at a coaching event, like a women’s circle, and we were having an open conversation and I was sharing about like, you know, I’m feeling really overwhelmed.

I had taken on a lot of work. I had, my daughter was like six months at the time. And I was just feeling like, okay, this work is needed in, in this way where people can be served really well and I can’t keep going at the rate I’m going because I’m doing too much, but I’m very passionate about this mission of like spreading this type of support.

And so I was in this room and one of the girls was like, well, actually, like I want to hire you. And, and I said, well, I don’t have, you know, I don’t have space. And she said, I wouldn’t care if it was you or somebody else on your team, because your energy is going to be. You’re going to be leading that team.

So your energy is going to be in that. And we’re going to feel that. And I was like, mind blown, like, wow. And then she became the first client of the agency. And so that was really cool for me to like have somebody else speak that into me. And it was like, almost like a permission granted, like, oh, like this is, this is the impact of this. Like I will have a greater impact through leading other people who are then spreading out, you know, to the other business owners and serving them well.

Jade Boyd: In that moment, did you feel like you were capable of that? Because I think a lot of business owners think, but really, can anyone really do it like I do it? Like, did it take some time for you to actually believe that either through experience and seeing it happen or internal work that you had to do to trust other people to take on clients and do it like you would do it?

Abby Martinez: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, there was so much fear at the beginning. But I hired my own business manager to help me get set up because like I said, I was really, I had a lot of clients on my plate at the time. And so I hired someone to help me strategically set it up and then I also had a coach, like a life slash business coach.

And we did a lot of like inner work around like leadership, but also like the fear, and like leaning into that. And like, what is this fear trying to actually show me? And like, how can I work with that fear, and take responsibility for the results. I am trying to achieve, but yes, that’s always there.

I think in any time you make a leap in life and business, like there’s going to be resistance, there’s going to be challenges that arise. Yeah, it was tough. I mean, it’s, it’s not an easy thing to do. It’s like, I think people have this vision of, you know, in the online space, you start a business and it’s like, rainbows and unicorns and it’s all happy all the time. And it’s like, that’s actually not it. Like just like in the corporate world, you’re going to get challenged. You’re going to get pushed. You’re going to have to grow as a leader, whether you lead people or not. So yeah, definitely challenging.

Jade Boyd: Yeah. And I just want to emphasize what you just said, because although all of us know that to some extent, like we know not every other business owner is just having a party all day, all week, all year. And that everybody has the highs and lows. It’s really easy, especially when you’re in a low to be like, there’s something wrong with me or there’s something wrong with my business.

This isn’t normal, or I’m failing in some way, instead of in the moment, realizing that that’s just a normal part of owning a business. And everybody experiences that. So. I just want to pull that out because again, it’s something we all know to be true, but from coaching business owners and even a conversation I had early earlier today, I think some business owners listening might just need to hear that a little bit louder today.

So thank you for sharing that too, especially somebody who’s organized. I feel like people in the systems productivity space are always put on a pedestal of like, oh, they just are super organized and never get overwhelmed and are just living some other type of life. And that’s just not the case.

Abby Martinez: Not at all the case. Yeah. We experience overwhelm all the same.

Jade Boyd: Yes, for sure.

And kind of along those lines. So I do want to get into talking about for the business owner who’s listening, who is thinking about building their team and is kind of on the fence of deciding is an agency model right for me? What are some practical tips that you could give them as far as making sure that their clients are going to get the best possible experience?

How do you replicate yourself in a team setting, knowing that your team is not going to do it like you do it, like you can help them provide a great service, but they’re not you and you want them to show their gifts to, what is your best practical advice based on, I’m sure like the successes and the mistakes that you’ve made in building your agency, how do you make sure your clients get the best experience in an agency model?

Abby Martinez: Yeah. Such a good question. I think, I feel like we’ve said it a few times already today, but clarity is really key. Like being clear on what it is that you are wanting the team members to do. So in my model, we have virtual assistants and online business managers, and they work directly with the client one on one.

Now I know other agencies where they have maybe a few client facing people and then more people working in the backend. so it depends on how you set it up, but having clarity around the role. And what it is that you’re asking them to do is going to be the first thing so that then you’re hiring the right person for that seat.

So let’s say you’re hiring someone to be a social media manager or a general virtual assistant, or maybe like a junior graphic designer, depending on what your business is, right? It’s like, you have to be very clear on what the needs are, what skillset they need to have in order to put it out there in a way that’s going to attract the right person.

Yeah, I think that’s like the first step is like being key on that. and then for me, like some of the things that we do in our agency is we have like behind the scenes trainings. So we have a whole training library of just like resources that they can access, like how to do this, how to do that best strategies for this, so that they have, you know, access to continued education. And we try to continue to add to that. we also do, you know, different trainings throughout the year, where we’ll get on Zoom all together and we’ll focus on one topic, to learn new strategies that are coming out or new platforms that are coming out.

So that’s really important. And then we rely on like SOPs as well. So if it’s something that’s a repeatable type task or process that the team member would be following, having those processes documented in a way that allows the team member to succeed is really important. I think also just being open minded, providing feedback to the team member, and then also allowing them to share their thoughts with you about like how, you know, to contribute better to, to the processes that they’re part of, or the things that they’re doing in your business, I think those are all, you know, some of the key things that we do here.

Jade Boyd: Yeah, I’m sure there’s a million things that go into it, but thanks for pulling those out. And I, I’m also curious on the hiring front. I know there’s kind of two trains of thought here. Some people prefer hiring people based on personality and like, I’ll train you into the role. And some people prefer hiring people who are already experts and that comes usually at a higher price point.

But for an agency model, do you see one of those two strategies working better?

Abby Martinez: I think it’s personal preference. and I think for me, I do a mix of both depending on the season of the business. Do I need someone in fast who already knows what they’re doing and that still is like a good fit, you know, personality wise, or am I, yeah like you said, like more able to just like train this person because I know that their personality wise the right fit. I think it just depends on the season of business you’re in and what you’re looking for. I would say if you’re making your first hire, don’t hire your best friend who you have to then train because you already are best friends. Like, I don’t think that’s the best move. Yeah, I just, I think that that, you know, cause then you’re going to be spending all your time trying to train that person unless they have the right drive, then it can work out in your favor.

Right? Like if they have the right drive and the ability to learn on their own as well. Yeah, I think again, it just comes down to the season of business that you’re in.

Jade Boyd: Yeah. The other thing I’ll say is that it gets easier. I’m sure you’ve seen this in your own experience. The more you have to hire people , and fire people, the easier it gets. But for a lot of business owners, especially when they’re thinking about hiring a virtual assistant, I’m sure you see this a lot, it might be the first person that they’re hiring overall and I think a lot of business owners get scared if they try once and it’s not the right fit, they’re like, you know what, I’m not, nobody can help me, or I’m not good at hiring people when like anything else in business, you do get better at hiring people and being able to like, feel out what you actually need and getting the right people in the right seats over time. And everybody’s going to make a mistake sooner or later in business. If you’re delegating anything, like you’re going to make the mistakes and learn from them.

So, yeah, it’s okay. If you don’t get it right the first time, or even playing around with those two strategies, like you said, Knowing that people have different preferences and I’m sure there’s people saying, you know, don’t hire on talent, just train them.

It’s so much better. And vice versa, you have so much flexibility to kind of pick and choose your own hiring strategy and change your mind too.

Abby Martinez: Totally. Yeah. And that’s the other thing I’ll say too, to that point, it’s like, It’s okay to get it wrong. And just having that open mindset of it, maybe that they’re not a bad virtual assistant. Maybe they’re just not the virtual assistant for you. And that’s okay. But I think you have to lean into your leadership in that way.

And then ask yourself before you just say, oh, they’re not meeting my needs. Well, did I delegate well, was I clearly communicating the expectation? Did I give them the tools that they needed to succeed and bring it back to yourself first, before you just go into the blame mode of, oh, they’re not doing what I need them to do they must not be the right fit, right? And then giving yourself some time to be like, okay, I’m going to give this three tries. And if it still continues to be an issue, then maybe they’re just not the right fit for me. And that’s okay. You can phase out and try someone else. but yeah, I always think it comes back to your own leadership first, before we try to put the blame on somebody else.

Jade Boyd: Yep. And I think that’s true for any business owner who has clients too. Cause that’s something I hear a lot like, oh, this was just a terrible client. And my mind always goes to, well, like, did you ask them the right questions? Did you actually, onboard them correctly. So they knew what you were expecting them to do as part of the process.

Like, are you sending them email reminders? Cause everybody’s busy and it’s kind of your job as the service provider to like, stay on top of things. Right? So is it a bad client or are you not educating them? The same thing is true of really any contractor that you’re bringing into your business too, so I love that you pointed that out.

And kind of along those lines of like making sure you’re clear on what you want and clear on expectations, like any strategy for scaling a business, there are people out there saying like, this is the best way to grow your business. And I’m sure there’s people out there talking about scaling in terms of building an agency and all of the reasons why it’s great, but in reality, it’s not going to be the best fit for every single business owner.

So for the business owner, who’s still wondering, would that be the right fit for me? Are there any certain like skill sets or personalities that you think that this model works better for?

Abby Martinez: Yeah, such a good question. I think, part of it has to come down to your own personal discernment if it feels right for you. And I always say like, define your why first, like, why are you wanting to create something bigger than yourself? And if your why goes beyond simply the ability to scale the income of your current business, then explore it.

But if your why is solely to expand my income, that’s not going to drive you when the challenges get rough. And so If you have the desire to lead and to expand your impact in this way and your mission goes beyond just making more money, then I definitely think it’s something to explore. And I also think you have to be open to open and willing to grow as a leader and really put yourself in places where you are actually developing your leadership, because you’re leading people, right?

So you have to, you know, there has to be some sort of, understanding of. People and behavior and compassion for people and their behaviors. Right? And so, I think that’s, you know, that’s really important too, is like being willing to develop as a leader.

Jade Boyd: Yeah, something I’ve been thinking a lot about recently is in terms of scaling, just how the curve looks where it looks like nothing’s happening. And then all of a sudden you have that exponential growth. And what you just said about making sure that you’re actually passionate about it and are going to like being in the role before you decide to scale in that in that way is so true of any strategy that people want to implement in your business.

Like knowing not only that you’re going to like the results that you’re going to get, but you’re going to like the lifestyle that you’re going to have. If your business looks different and is able to get those different results, it’s also going to require you to step into a different role, no matter what strategy you’re thinking about and I don’t think we think about that enough as business owners, not just like, how am I going to get to my goal as fast as possible? But what do I want my life to look like as I’m getting to that goal? But also even after you’ve reached the goal, what type of life is sustainable for you to be living?

And there are certain strategies that will probably not be compatible, even if on paper, it’s going to get you to that goal faster than any other strategy, it still might not be the best fit.

Abby Martinez: Exactly. Yeah. My coach calls it the goal line versus the soul line. And it’s like so powerful because early on, you know, when I first started, I was like, okay, business has to look a certain type of way. And I feel like I did go down that route. I think we, a lot of us do get sucked into that at some point.

But then you pause and you’re like, wait a minute, like this feels terrible. Like this is not like this does not work for me. This is not sustainable. I don’t feel good doing this, and so I think that I think if I could do it again, that’s something I would focus on from the very beginning. It all of course unfolded and worked out in the way that it was supposed to, because we learned from those, you know, trials and errors, but I would say like, definitely focus in on that soul line. Like, what do you want to feel while you’re building this? And it’s okay if it goes slower, if it feels good.

Jade Boyd: Yes. So, so good. So I do want to end talking about what it looks like for you to have a well balanced business. So you mentioned this, but for those who didn’t pick it up, that is the name of your business, The Well Balanced Business. And I’m curious as a mom, what does it look like for you to have balance in business?

What does that actually mean to you? And how are you balancing mom and work life right now? I recently on Instagram stories asked like, if anyone has their kids at home full time and are also running business. Let’s chat. And I received so many messages from so many moms who are doing incredible things and you were one of them.

And I think that this is something, especially for first time moms, that more women need to hear. Like, what does it actually look like behind the scenes to balance both? And what does that look like for you right now?

Abby Martinez: Yeah. So I think that this is always a work in progress. This is, I think this is just like part of the journey of life in motherhood because every season of motherhood looks so different. And, for me right now, my daughter is home and she was previously in daycare, but now she’s home and she’s doing very, very part time preschool.

And so for me, the word balance is actually not going to be equal, like 50, 50. It’s like, actually, it’s more about your priorities and prioritizing those, right? And so what does that look like? So for, like I said, for me, the season is different, my daughter is home. And so that looks like looking at my week in advance. Like, I mean, I do this anyway, but just being even more organized and more prepared, asking for help when I need it. So if my husband, he works hospital hours. So sometimes during the week, he’s home like today. So I’m planning my meetings today, right? I have most of my meetings on a day when he is home.

And if that’s not possible, then I have family that’s close by. So I will just communicate in advance. Hey, I need help these two days. Who can help me this week? Thankfully my dad retired this past year. So he it’s like, Papa camp, that’s what he calls her. Papa daycare. so he comes to hang out, you know, with our daughter and my older son, he’s at school all day.

So I think it really comes down to prioritizing your priorities. And for me, you know, it’s family, that’s really important. So making sure I spend quality time with both of my kids each day. And then asking myself, like, what’s possible, like, my schedule does not look the same as it did six months ago. Right? And that’s okay. But it’s like, what is possible in this season of motherhood and business? And if you are an entrepreneur, you are likely a big dreamer. So you have lots and lots of ideas. So I have to make a little parking lot over here, right, write down my ideas, because I can’t do it all today. And that’s okay. I trust that it will unfold as it’s supposed to.

Jade Boyd: Yeah, absolutely. Okay. This is so good. I am so glad that you’re able to come on for this episode. It is always so great chatting with you. And I have a couple of bonus questions for you before we wrap up. The first one being what is your favorite productivity hack as a business owner?

Abby Martinez: Ooh, yes. favorite productivity hack. For me, it’s all about system. So I love ClickUp. Like that is huge for me. It’s like, keep your list organized, whether you’re ClickUp, Asana, Trello, Notion, whatever, just like get yourself organized in there because you will spend way less time if you have like your daily lined out of what you need to get done. The other thing that I love is using AI. So I use chat GPT a lot to move things along faster. Yeah, I just, I think it makes things so much more efficient. I love it.

Jade Boyd: I have recently hacked chat GPT because of another speaker who came into The Business Edit, ironically, who’s also going to be on the podcast this fall. So if you’re not subscribed to the podcast, hit follow because she’s amazing. And I’m finally getting chat GPT to spit out things that are actually helpful. And it is life changing. Totally life changing.

Abby Martinez: It’s so good. It’s all about prompting.

Jade Boyd: Yes, and now it’s like my favorite thing to do when I am nursing my daughter to just like chat with chat GPT and bounce ideas off of it. And it’s so fun because it’s actually giving me stuff that’s usable. So, anyway, love that. And the last question for those who want to get more info from you to be in your world to know, you know, all the tips, tools, and tricks, where can listeners find you after the show?

Abby Martinez: Yeah. So you can find us on Instagram at well.balanced.business. And then also if you are in a season of needing help in your business or exploring new strategies, you can go to our website and take our quiz and it will spit out a customized blueprint for you with lots of resources on possible next steps. So you can go to our website at wellbalancedbusiness.com/quiz.

Jade Boyd: Perfect. And we’ll have all of that in the show notes too. So thank you so much again, Abby. This was great.

Abby Martinez: Thank you so much, Jade.

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