Jade Boyd Co.


Simple Email Marketing Strategies with Jenny Roth

I'm Jade!

MBA | Business Strategist | Productivity Coach | I help busy service providers bring order to chaos with minimalist strategies and systems.

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Oftentimes the thought of adding yet another content platform to your never-ending to-do list can feel overwhelming.

But in this week’s episode, Jenny breaks down the complicated parts of email marketing into simple, easy to follow steps that you can take today. She shares simple email marketing strategies to help you grow, nurture, and sell to your email list, all while building real connections with your audience.

Jenny is an email copywriter for creative CEOs and coaches. She specializes in joyful, strategic copy that generates leads and welcomes your clients with open arms. Her mission is uncovering words that will resonate most with your clients, so you can have higher converting, fun-to-read copy, without spending hours upon hours at your keyboard to make it happen.

Jenny started her copywriting business back in 2014, working very part-time when her three daughters were small, to going full-time now that her kids are all in school. When she isn’t writing, you can find her hanging out with her husband and three daughters in beautiful, windy South Dakota where they love to camp, swim in the Missouri river, raise chickens, and ride bikes.

Do you need an email list to grow your business? [2:30]

Jenny shares a few questions business owners should be thinking about before they start an email list.

  1. First, does your audience consume email?
  2. Second, what’s working and not working for your current marketing platforms?
  3. And third, how can email marketing support your marketing goals?

If your business can benefit from having ownership and control over connecting with your audience, or if you have products or services to launch, you should be thinking about starting an email list.

“Social Media is like your party, and I always think of email like your after-party.. Those people that really want to hear from you – they want to hear from you more consistently. They’re really interested in what you have to say – it’s your after-party – your real friends! That’s your email list.”

Jenny Roth, [4:41]

What are the first things you should do when starting an email list? [5:45]

Before you start your email list, Jenny suggests pausing to think about what you’re trying to get out of your marketing channels. Is email marketing in line with your content strategy?

The next step is to create an irresistible lead magnet or opt-in for your audience. This is typically a free resource or $7 – $34 low-ticket offer that brings new audience members into your community.

What types of lead generators perform the best? [7:50]

It depends on your audience! Some common lead generators are quizzes, checklists, or PDF downloads. The important thing is that you solve a problem for your audience and give them a quick win that leaves them wanting more from you.

In order to stand out and build your personal brand, Jenny suggests taking the information in your PDF download and turning it into a free Masterclass. Video content can go a long way in building a personal connection with your potential clients. It also helps them decide if they’d like working with you or not.

“If the purpose of you being on social media is to build a private community, to generate more leads and sales, and have a place where you can launch to them, then maybe an email list is a good place for you to start. Take a pause and think about that.”

Jenny Roth, [6:45]

The Best Software Platforms for Email Marketing [10:00]

For creating lead generators, Jenny suggests using Loom for video content and Canva for PDFs or presentations. You can also find on-brand Canva templates on Creative Market or Etsy.

For email marketing platforms, FloDesk is Jenny’s favorite software platforms to use for her clients! Some other popular email marketing platforms for small business owners are MailChimp and ConvertKit.

An Easy Email Sales Sequence for Small Business Owners [16:34]

Jenny outlines the email sequence she uses to help her copywriting clients build their brand and generate sales. Each email in this sequence is sent within 24 hours of each other.

“Anytime you write an email, think about the rule of ONE. So in each email, imagine you’re writing to ONE client, you’re talking about ONE thing, and you’re going to have ONE call to action.”

Jenny Roth, [16:52]

Email 01 | Lead Magnet Delivery

Deliver your email magnet to your subscriber, and make it exciting!

Email 02 | Introduce Yourself

Share a little bit about yourself and why you’re the right person to help your subscriber solve their problem. Let them know what they can expect from your email list.

Email 03 | Value Stack Email

Send them a really valuable piece of educational content that positions you as an expert. Link to your best podcast episode or blog post and help them get another quick win. You can send two value stack emails in a row if you want to add additional value.

Email 04 | Your Best Client Testimonial

Showcase the results that you’re getting for your clients to establish credibility and trust with your new subscriber.

Email 05 | Your Pitch

It’s time to make an offer and ask for the sale! Pitch your signature offering and invite your subscriber to buy it.

Email 06 | Thank You (optional)

Thank your subscriber for being on your list and let them know that they’ve made it to the end of your welcome sequence. You can also remind them how often they can expect to hear from you in the future, and deliver another free resource (because why not?)!

How Often Should You Email Your List? [27:00]

It’s a good rule of thumb to engage with your list every week. If you want to build a solid relationship with your audience, consistency is key! You have to show up and engage with them before you pop into their inbox asking them to buy something from you.

Should You Create Original Email Content or Repurpose? [30:35]

“I don’t know if it’s a good strategy to just email your list every week and say, “Read my blog, listen to my podcast, check out my latest post.” There’s no curiosity built for your reader. There’s no excitement, right? So if your reader’s gonna show up to your email with interest and effort to read it, you might as well put some effort and spark into what they’re going to get because that’s going to come across the page.”

Jenny Roth, [30:35]

Connect with Jenny

Website: https://jennyrothcopywriting.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennyrothcopywriting/

Free Email Marketing Masterclass: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/61b78c313d946afb20c719a7

Email Welcome Sequence Template: https://hidden-bread-949.myflodesk.com/gaoh125nrq

Other Resources mentioned in this episode:

Tay Daniels, The Breadwinner Energy Academy: https://www.instagram.com/itstaydaniels_llc/?hl=en

Tarzan Kay, Email Stars Program: https://tarzankay.com/

Liz Wilcox, Email Copywriter: https://lizwilcox.com/


Hi, I'm jade!

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From MBA to Brand Photographer to Business Coach, I learned the hard way how to build a life-first business that allows me to work part-time hours without sacrificing profit. Now I help service providers simplify and scale their businesses so they can earn their dream income while living life on their schedule. If you're ready to build a sustainable, profitable service business (without the burnout), apply for the Business Edit™ Group Coaching Program today!

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Business + Productivity Coach | I help busy creatives bring order to chaos with an intentional strategy and simple systems.

Hi, I'm Jade!

Jade Boyd Co.