Jade Boyd Co.

Business Edit Podcast

What’s a Business Minimalist™?

I'm Jade!

MBA | Business Strategist | Productivity Coach | I help busy service providers bring order to chaos with minimalist strategies and systems.

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From the moment I named this podcast, “The Business Minimalist™” I knew that I wanted to create this episode. I mean, if anyone should answer the question, “What’s a Business Minimalist™”, it should be me, right? But defining exactly what a Business Minimalist™ is (and isn’t) has taken me some time to put into words. Ultimately, becoming a Business Minimalist™ has more to do with what you believe than the type of business you own.

You can be a Business Minimalist™ as a solopreneur who makes $50k per year, or you can be a Business Minimalist™ as a multi-passionate creative business owner with a team of 20 people. I would argue that Apple is a minimalist business, and they earned almost $167 billion dollars last year. What matters most is the mindset and the intentionality in which you approach your business decisions.

That means you can become a Business Minimalist™ today! It’s never to late to shift your strategy and find ways to do less but better in your business. I hope that this episode gives you a new perspective to consider.

What a Business Minimalist™ is Not

Before we talk about what a Business Minimalist™ is, let’s start with what a Business Minimalist™ is not. There are a few things that are obvious right away. Business Minimalists are not:

  • Resigned to being busy
  • Throwing spaghetti at the wall when it comes to strategy
  • Consumed with ambition, constantly chasing after more, regardless of the cost
  • Placing their identity in their business and letting their work consume their life

But there are some other things that a Business Minimalist™ is not that might not be as easy to identify. The term “Business Minimalist™”, like the general term “minimalist”, can be easily misunderstood. Minimalists are sometimes viewed as counter-cultural extremists who get pleasure in denying themselves modern conveniences and are needlessly cheap and stingy. 

And don’t get me wrong, that kind of minimalist does exist, I won’t deny it. But at the core of minimalism is the understanding that there are many things that get in the way of the few things that are most important to us. And when you ruthlessly eliminate those distractions, you’re able to focus on what matters most and live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

What’s a Business Minimalist
™? | The Business Minimalist™ Podcast

What’s a Business Minimalist™? 7 Key Characteristics

  1. Business Minimalists have CLARITY on what’s important (and what isn’t) in their business.
  2. Business Minimalists aren’t constantly hustling for MORE. They know how much is enough.
  3. Business Minimalists master their marketing channels. They’re okay with not being on every platform or jumping on every marketing trend.
  4. Business Minimalists are okay with serving one ideal client well. They don’t try to do everything for everyone.
  5. Business Minimalist prefer to go big on a few core offers instead of continually creating new offers.
  6. Business Minimalists cut unnecessary spending and invest in the few areas that drive real growth.
  7. And above all, Business Minimalists have the courage it takes to DECIDE.

Our modern culture loves to promise us that that the ability to ‘do it all’ is just on the other side of a course, contractor, or time management system. But Business Minimalists recognize that ‘doing it all’ is a myth. There are only a few thing that you can do to the best of your ability, and doing them requires that you say no to the other things that you would like to do. Business Minimalists accept the inherent tradeoffs that come with being human. But they also recognize that there are benefits that will only come when you have the courage to decide.

How to Become a Business Minimalist™

If you listened to this episode and thought, “I desperately want to run a minimalist business” then you won’t want to miss out on the Business Minimalist™ Blueprint course. This digital course is designed to help you increase your income while spending less time at your desk and more time on the things that matter most to you.

This course teaches you my signature framework for creating a more productive business and life by focusing on what’s important and systematically editing out the things that aren’t. Join the Business Minimalist™ Blueprint waitlist today!

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Hi, I'm jade!

Ready to simplify and scale your services?

From MBA to Brand Photographer to Business Coach, I learned the hard way how to build a life-first business that allows me to work part-time hours without sacrificing profit. Now I help service providers simplify and scale their businesses so they can earn their dream income while living life on their schedule. If you're ready to build a sustainable, profitable service business (without the burnout), apply for the Business Edit™ Group Coaching Program today!

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Business + Productivity Coach | I help busy creatives bring order to chaos with an intentional strategy and simple systems.

Hi, I'm Jade!

Jade Boyd Co.