It’s the question that nearly all solopreneurs ask when they’re starting their business – should I name it after myself? If you’re a photographer, coach, or consultant, you’ve realized that many entrepreneurs name their business after themselves then tack on “consulting” or “photography” at the end.
Did you start out thinking that those names were boring and bland? I did. When I started my business, I absolutely hated the sound of “Jade Boyd Photography”. What would differentiate me if everyone and their mom had a business that sounded the same?
I opted to take the road less travelled and used the name, “Sage + Stone Studios”. While I do really love this name, I quickly realized that it wasn’t making me a standout brand. It was actually doing the opposite – it was anonymous and forgettable.
There are so many benefits to using your name in your business name. In this post, I’m going to highlight the three that were most influential in my decision to rebrand to “Jade Boyd Photography”.

First, by using my name, I’m practicing what I preach.
I’m a personal brand photographer. I help women to grow their personal brands, so it’s really important that I’m willing to get uncomfortable and do the same things I’m asking others to do!
Women often struggle with the icky feelings that can come with self-promotion. We don’t want to come off as too proud, but using your name in your business is not about pride. It’s about confidence. And confidence in yourself, your products, and your services will build brand trust with your target market.
I mean if you’re not confident in yourself, then how can you expect others to be confident in you, right? How can I expect my clients to listen to my advice if I’m not willing to follow it myself?

Second, using my name builds brand trust.
By using my name, I’m giving my followers and my clients a brand promise. Ultimately, I am the value that they are going to get if they follow me or work with me.
They aren’t going to get some other freelance photographer working under my name – they will always get ME. The more you get to know me, the more you will understand and trust the value that you will get by working with me.
By using my name, I’m stamping that brand value on everything that I do. Photography is such a personal service to offer, so it’s important that my clients know my personality to make sure we’re a good fit for each other.
Using my own name means that I’m taking personal responsibility for everything that I do. Sure, it can be uncomfortable at times, but it’s an important step in building a strong brand promise as a solopreneur.

Third, it’s easier for clients to remember my name – brand recognition and more referrals please!
There’s something I noticed very quickly when I was using the Sage + Stone Studios name. My clients had trouble finding me on social media, tagging me in their posts, and remembering what my business name was.
A lot of my clients resorted to tagging my personal page, which did not help me build my business or brand awareness!
Ultimately, when someone asks who took their photos, they’re going to say, “Jade Boyd.” By using my personal name as my business name, I’m removing a barrier for people to find and hire me.

Fourth, it will last a long time and endure many pivots!
As a multi-passionate entrepreneur, I know that what I’m doing today may look very different a year from now and certainly 10 years from now.
By using my name, I know that I have freedom to try different things and slowly grow into my brand. I can use my name for whatever type of business I end up developing over my lifetime.
Should you be using your name?
If you’re a solopreneur stressing over what to name your creative business, I’d love to connect with you! Every business is as unique as its founder, and I love hearing startup stories.
You know where to find me! Connect with me on Instagram @jadeboydphotography.