Jade Boyd Co.

Business Edit Podcast

Curating a Productive Environment for Goal Setting

Curating a Productive Environment for Goal Setting | Jade Boyd Co.
I'm Jade!

MBA | Business Strategist | Productivity Coach | I help busy service providers bring order to chaos with minimalist strategies and systems.

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The latest episodes of the Business Edit™ Podcast

Tips for pursuing big goals and getting the right things done.

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If you’re like me, you’re likely to fall into the trap of productive procrastination. It’s the type of procrastination that keeps you busy with one thing (usually busy work or menial tasks that are low on the priority list) to avoid doing things that actually move the needle forward in business and life. It’s the type of procrastination that most work-from-home business owners are likely to fall into at home because distractions are EVERYWHERE.

In business, we measure our productivity based on our goals. How do you determine if it was a productive year? I hope you’re not tallying how many menial tasks you crossed off each day. I hope you’re measuring how much growth and progress toward your goals those tasks have actually produced for your business and life. And if you set the wrong goals, you could easily waste a whole year moving your business in the wrong direction and realizing that you didn’t accomplish much that was worth celebrating.

With this in mind, your ability to set strategic and aligned goals can make or break your productivity as a business owner. Productivity starts with clarity on what you want to accomplish and as the CEO of your business, you’re responsible for setting that vision and clarifying the direction. So it’s really important that when you’re setting goals, you’re setting yourself up for the most productive goal setting session you could possibly have, right?

Tune in to this quick tip episode to hear about the way your environment affects your productivity when it comes to goal setting and how to curate your environment for a productive goal setting session. Grab your favorite note taking medium and join me!

Curating a Productive Environment for Goal Setting | Jade Boyd Co.

Key Takeaways from this Episode

  • How your environment affects your productivity when it comes to goal setting.
  • What to consider when deciding on your ideal goal setting environment.
  • Five simple shifts you can make to turn any workspace into an inspiring environment.
  • My ruthless tips for eliminating distractions during a goal setting session.
  • A simple exercise to evaluate external and internal distractions.

Putting Principles for a Productive Environment into Action

At the time this episode airs, it’s September, and if you haven’t already, I want you to look at your calendar and plan a day to set your quarterly goals for Q4. Go to your calendar and schedule some CEO time to reflect on what you’ve accomplished this year, review your annual goals, and figure out how you are going to move the needle in your business and life in Q4 in a productive environment using the tips I’ve shared today.

If you want that automated with a set aside time and place and one on one guidance on how to do this for your own business, visit this link to sign up for my in-person quarterly goal setting and planning workshop in eastern Iowa on September 27, 2023 or join the waitlist for the virtual option coming soon.

Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode

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Hi, I'm jade!

Ready to simplify and scale your services?

From MBA to Brand Photographer to Business Coach, I learned the hard way how to build a life-first business that allows me to work part-time hours without sacrificing profit. Now I help service providers simplify and scale their businesses so they can earn their dream income while living life on their schedule. If you're ready to build a sustainable, profitable service business (without the burnout), apply for the Business Edit™ Group Coaching Program today!

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Business + Productivity Coach | I help busy creatives bring order to chaos with an intentional strategy and simple systems.

Hi, I'm Jade!

Jade Boyd Co.