Jade Boyd Co.

Personal Branding

6 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Creating a Business Pinterest Account

I'm Jade!

MBA | Business Strategist | Productivity Coach | I help busy service providers bring order to chaos with minimalist strategies and systems.

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As a small business owner, it’s so important that you get the most out of your investment in brand photography (whether it’s time spend behind a tripod or 💸 spend with a brand photographer)!

Did you know that the lifespan of most social media content (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) is less than 24 hours? 🤯⁠ Your social media posts will only drive engagement and traffic for so long before you have to spend time creating more.

Did you also know that Pinterest pins can drive traffic to your website for over 12 months? Yep, there are over 320 MILLION active Pinterest users, and chances are, your dream clients are there too!

But before you dive in and create yet ANOTHER platform to manage, I want to give you 6 questions to answer first.⁠

⁠⁠01. Are you already creating valuable AND visual content for Instagram or other platforms? ⁠
⁠If so, it will be super easy to repurpose that content on Pinterest. No more time spent on the content creation wheel!

02. Do you already create valuable long-form content regularly (podcast, blog)?⁠
Long-form content is great for Pinterest. This platform operates as a search engine and can help your ideal target market find you!

03. Are you trying to grow your email list with freebie opt-ins?⁠
⁠If you’re just starting your business or if you’re not blogging or podcasting, you can still drive traffic to a simple email opt in form. I use FloDesk for this, and you can get 50% off using this link. This is a great option if you’re not ready to build a website yet, AND you can start growing your email list!

04. Are your clients attracted to your work because it’s visual? E.g. photographer, graphic designer, interior designer, hair stylist, etc.⁠
⁠If you answered yes, chances are your Pinterest boards could provide a ton of value to them. Not only can this platform help you get discovered, it can built trust with your potential clients as they discover they love your visual aesthetic and content! People in these professions often provide mood boards to their clients, and Pinterest is a great collaborative tool for that too.

05. Can your clients buy products from you online or work with you from anywhere?⁠
⁠If so, Pinterest can open a world of opportunity to market your products and services to a larger audience outside of your immediate geographic area.

06. Do you have an extra 2 hours each month to create high-quality, consistent content for the platform (or the ability to outsource)?⁠
⁠This is a big one. You need to be able to say ‘yes’ to this before jumping onto yet another platform. With any content you create, make sure you’re prioritizing QUALITY over QUANTITY. If you don’t have the capacity to produce high-quality content on another platform consistently, that’s okay! Know your limits and wait until the time is right.

So, if you said yes to any of the first 5 questions❗AND❗ question 6, chances are you would benefit from creating a Pinterest Business account.⁠

And if you need some quick tips and advice on how to get started, check out my Instagram Guide titled “How to Build You Brand on Pinterest” by following me @jadeboydphotography.


Hi, I'm jade!

Ready to simplify and scale your services?

From MBA to Brand Photographer to Business Coach, I learned the hard way how to build a life-first business that allows me to work part-time hours without sacrificing profit. Now I help service providers simplify and scale their businesses so they can earn their dream income while living life on their schedule. If you're ready to build a sustainable, profitable service business (without the burnout), apply for the Business Edit™ Group Coaching Program today!

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Business + Productivity Coach | I help busy creatives bring order to chaos with an intentional strategy and simple systems.

Hi, I'm Jade!

Jade Boyd Co.